Step 1 (Alternative) - Upload your On-premises Usage as Excel

In case you are on-premises and are evaluating Cloud providers or you are not in a position to connect to your AWS account.

To get started with CloudRunr, you can easily compare pricing estimates for your on-premises workloads against various cloud providers without any engineering effort or financial analysis. Our tool will process your input to provide insightful pricing comparisons.

Download the Server Template Excel file

As the first step, navigate to the "On-Premises Usage" section of the CloudRunr platform. Here, you can download the Excel template named server_template_onPrem.xlsx. This template includes the following fields for you to fill out:

  • Server_Name

  • Region (e.g., Singapore, Cape Town)

  • OS (e.g., Linux, Windows)

  • Count_CPUs

  • Count_Mem_GB

  • SSD_Storage_GB

  • ChipsetRequired (e.g., Intel, AMD, ARM)

  • Burstable

  • UsageType (e.g., On Demand, Spot Instance, Reserved Instance (1 Year), Reserved Instance (3 Years), Compute Savings Plans (1 Year), Compute Savings Plans (3 Years))

  • SpotUsage (Y/N)

  • MonthlyRunningHours

  • NumberOfMachines

  • RegionCity (e.g., Virginia, London)

Fill Out the Template

Once you have downloaded the template, complete it with the details that reflect your on-premises usage. Make sure to provide accurate information for each field to ensure the best results, especially the block storage (disk storage) required for each server. Please note, you can fill in the NumberOfMachines field to add multiple servers with similar specifications)

Upload Your Usage Data

After filling out the template, return to the CloudRunr platform and browse the completed file, then click the "Upload On-Premises Usage" button. This will allow you to upload your completed Excel file.

Get Your Pricing Comparisons

Once your file is uploaded, the CloudRunr tool will process the information and provide you with pricing comparisons against other cloud providers.

If you have any questions or need assistance during this process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for help. We are here to ensure you have a smooth experience with CloudRunr!

Last updated